Week 6: Dune III
This section was a proper parting with the desert. The hottest days so far and with the longest water carries. Longest was 20+ miles between water sources and those sources are caches that may or may not be supplied. Through this section my tramily and i were averaging a marathon a day for 5 days. Longest miles so far in one week... there is a saying on trail "ten before ten" which is just completing ten miles before 10am. During these five days i think i did this or better for four of the five days. One of the days i (ahead of the group) complete 15 miles before 10am. That is a lot of walking very fast, a fun accomplishment to be sure. This week ends at the actual end of the desert at Kennedy meadows south and with a double zero for me and my tramily. The rest has been not fully needed but super nice regardless and now i feel fully ready to take on what is to come next, lots of elevation change, water crossings, cold weather, and summiting the highest peak in the lower 48!!! This past week has been a confidence boost for sure in my ability to push through hard times and if needed consistently put down solid milage. I expect to slow down through the sierras but after i will return to longer miles for the majority of the trail. Feeling good!